Quality in Optometry England Update Log
- Revised policies including new PEC policy bundle.
- Addition of DSPT functionality to provide contractors the option to complete DSPT within QiO rather than through NHS Digital's website.
- New functionality to enable NHS England local teams to check contractor compliance from within QiO itself.
- Major overhaul of QiO functionality, appearance and content.
- Regular changes and updates to reflect the new commissioning landscape post Health and Social Care Act 2016.
October 2010
- Information Governance Audit added to Interactive Audit section.
July 2010
- New level 2 (Enhanced Services) of England Interactive Checklist launched.
- New level 3 (Advanced Governance) of England Interactive Checklist launched.
- New Interactive Audit section added to website, including Infection Control Audit and Record Keeping Audit.
November 2009
- New level 1 (Contract Compliance) of England Interactive Checklist launched.
June 2008
- Updated link to NPSA reporting page on Action point 8. Link changed by NPSA.
May 2008
- Replaced Level 3 question 13(a) "Do staff members have any deeply-held beliefs or convictions which may compromise their ability to deal sympathetically with all patients?" which if you comply produces a red non-compliance highlight with "Are staff members able to deal sympathetically with all patients without allowing any deeply-held beliefs or convictions to affect their judgement?" where compliance produces a yes response.
February 2008
- New Quality in Optometry website and Interactive Checklist launched.
- Added a question and action point in standard C20a relating to compliance with current fire regulations.
- Added five questions and an action point in standard C16 (level 1) covering new GOC sight test regulations.
- Updated action point advice relating to contact lens specification forms in standard C16 (level 1).
- Added a new question in standard C5d (level 4) covering questions about a patient's lifestyle.
October 2007
- Changed 'Stop Smoking' references to 'smoking cessation' (to reflect updated government language).
- Updated the language in a question for standard C5b to include all supervising practitioners and updated the advice in the associated action point.
- Updated a question in standard C9 to ensure NHS Vouchers and Sight Test forms are being kep securely.
- Reworded the question in standard C18 that relates to the compliance with the DDA.
- Updated links to the GOC website in action points 21 and 40.
- Removed references to fixed premises (to account for domiciliary practices).
- Updated the question and associated action point in standard C4e that relates to waste disposal to include all approved services.
May 2007
- Fixed broken links in action points 6 and 11, and updated the information in action point 42.
February 2007
- Original printed version (1.0) of the England toolkit launched, along with an interactive PDF file.
- Removed a duplicate question about password protection in standard C20b.